Dr. John Wanjau Mutuguta,PhD

Dr. John Wanjau Mutuguta,PhD

Senior Lecturer & Research Scientist -School of Pure, Applied and Health Sciences


My aspiration is to work in a challenging environment that requires me to employ the acquired skills and modern technology to achieve the highest level of output.


  • PhD – Applied Mathematics (2021) – Moi University Specialization: Mathematical Biology – Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Transmission
  • MSc. Applied Mathematics (2010) – Kenyatta University
  • BSc. Chemistry and Mathematics (2000) – University of Nairobi


  1. J. W. Mutuguta, F.K. Gatheri, M.M. Maina, Natural Convection in a Rectangular Enclosure with Colliding Boundary Layers, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2014), pp. 85-97
  2.  Kiragu M. M. and Mutuguta J. W., Effect of Grashoff Parameter on Velocity for Unsteady Fluid Flow Past an Infinite Vertical Porous Flat Plate, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2015), pp. 1-12
  3. Mutuguta John Wanjau, Turbulent Natural Convection in an Enclosure with Colliding Boundary Layers, Journal Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 8, No. 6 (2018), pp. 79-84.
  4. Mutuguta John, Rotich Titus and Chepkwony Isaac, Dynamics of 2014 Ebola Epidemic in West Africa, Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 9, No. 2, (2019), pp. 33-41
  5. Mutuguta John Wanjau, Rotich Titus and Chepkwony Isaac, Mathematical Modeling of the Transmission Dynamics of Measles under the Effect of Vaccination, IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM), Vol. 15, No. 4, Ser II, (2019) pp. 10-19, e-ISSN: 2278-5728, https://Doi.org/Doi: 10.9790/5728-1504021019
  6. Mutuguta John Wanjau, Rotich Titus and Chepkwony Isaac, Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Transmission Dynamics in a Metapopulation, IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM), Vol. 15, No. 6, Series II, (2019) pp. 18-36, e-ISSN: 2278-5728, https://Doi.org/Doi/10.9790/5728-1506021836
  7. Mutuguta John Wanjau, Rotich Titus and Chepkwony Isaac, Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Transmission Dynamics in a Metapopulation, IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM), Vol. 15, No. 6, Series II, (2019) pp. 18-36, e-ISSN: 2278-5728, https://Doi.org/10.9790/5728-1506021836
  8. Chacha, M. H., Anapapa, A., & Mutuguta, J. (2022). Forecasting of Banking Sector Securities Prices in Kenya Using Machine Learning Technique. Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 18(1), 19-30. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajpas/2022/v18i130434