A technical expert with specialised in rangeland resources management and ecology with a bias towards productivity and use efficiency, livestock production systems, agro-ecosystems, ecosystem assessments, agriculture and food security, rangeland and natural resource policy and ecosystem monitoring and evaluation. Researched and worked for 18 years on climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture including livestock, climate change (adaptation, resilience and mitigation), monitoring and evaluation of projects, project appraisal, and planning, management and implementation. Carried out consultancies on climate change, desertification, sustainable rural livelihoods, resource use conflicts and management agriculture and food security, environment and natural resource management including gender lens. Previously worked at Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS) Tunis as Research for Development Officer and Kenya Wildlife Service (Research Scientist). I am also an Ecosystem Expert Analyst with Global Climate Adaptation Partnership (GCAP).
Other Publications and policy briefs