Prof. Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha


Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha is Professor of Computer Science and Director of Postgraduate Studies at Murang’a University of Technology. He received his BSc in Information Sciences from Moi University in 1995, his MSc in Computer Science from Periyar University in 2004, and his PhD in Software Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2011. He has wide experience in teaching and supervision of postgraduate students. His research interests include software metrics, programming language design and computer security. He has published widely and has served as an Invited Keynote Speaker in several local and international conferences. He is a member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG).


  • 2011: PhD in Software Engineering – Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • 2004: MSc. in Computer Science – Periyar University
  • 1995: BSc. in Information Sciences – Moi University


  1. Ann Wambui King’ori, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and John Gichuki Ndia, December 2024. A Framework for Analyzing UML Behavioral Metrics based on Complexity Perspectives. International Journal of Software Engineering (IJSE), 11(1), Pp. 1-12. ISSN: 2180-1320.
  2. Fortine Mwihaki Mata, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Gabriel Ndung’u Kamau, December 2024. Trust Attributes in Multi-Path Congestion Avoidance Techniques to Curb Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Computer Networks (JCN), 12(1), Pp. 1-6.4 ISSN:2372-4757.
  3. Kevin Agina Onyango, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and John Gichuki Ndia, July 2024. Structural Complexity Metrics for Laravel Software. International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 15(4), Pp. 41-59. ISSN: 0976-2221.
  4. Ann Wambui King’ori, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and John Gichuki Ndia, March 2024. A Suite of Metrics for UML Behavioral Diagrams based on Complexity Perspectives. International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 15(2), Pp. 1-21. ISSN: 0976-2221.
  5. Amos Chege Kirongo, Daniel Maitethia, Eric Mworia and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, January 2024. Application of Real-Time Deep Learning in integrated Surveillance of Maize and Tomato Pests and Bacterial Diseases. Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (J-KNCU), 4(1), Pp. 1-13. ISSN: 2958-7999.
  6. Kevin Agina Onyango, Jackson Kamiri and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, October 2023. A comparative study of the lexicographical complexity of Java, Python and C languages based on program characteristics. Journal of Innovation, Technology and Sustainability, 1(1), Pp. 42-67.
  7. Daniel Khaoya Muyobo, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Alice Nambiro Wechuli, August 2023. Multi-Agent Systems Requirements Analysis for Patient-centered Healthcare Consultancy Service. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), 14(5), Pp. 1-12. E-ISSN: 0976-5697.
  8. Daniel Khaoya Muyobo, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Alice Nambiro Wechuli, August 2023. Revolutionizing Kenyan Healthcare Consultancy: Exploring IoT Innovations and other Enabling Technologies – A Case Study. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), 12(8): ISSN (O) 2278-1021, ISSN (P): 2319-5940.
  9. Peter Maina Mwangi, John Gichuki Ndia and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, May 2023. An Extended K-Means Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for Efficient Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), 15(3): ISSN: 0974-9330.
  10. Jane Kinanu Kiruki, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Gabriel Kamau, May 2023. A Novel Alert Correlation Technique for Filtering Network Attacks. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), 15(3): ISSN: 0974-9330.
  11. Stephen Kahara Wanjau, Geoffrey Mariga Wambugu, Aaron Mogeni Oirere and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha. Discriminative Spatial-Temporal Feature Learning for Modeling Network Intrusion Detection Systems. Journal of Computer Security. Journal of Computer Security (Accepted on 3rd February 2023), Pre-press, pp. 1-30. ISSN 1875-8924 (E). DOI: 10.3233/JCS-220031
  12. Jane Kinanu Kiruki, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Gabriel Kamau, January 2023. Metrics for Evaluating Alerts in Intrusion Detection Systems. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), 15(1): ISSN: 0974-9330.
  13. Nevy Kimani Maina, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Geoffrey Mariga Wambugu, January 2023. A New Complexity Metric for UML Sequence Diagrams. International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 14(1): ISSN: 0976-2221.
  14. Jane Wanjiru Njuki, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and John Gichuki Ndia, September 2022. An Extended Security Measurement Framework for Open-Source Enterprise ResourcePlanning Software Security. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), 14(5): ISSN: 0974-9330.
  15. Amos Chege Kirongo, Dorothy G. Bundi, Dismas T. Kitaria, Guyo S. Huka, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, September 2022. Implementation of AI-based Assistive Technologies for Learners with Physical Disabilities in Kenya: a Practical Design Thinking Approach. African Journal of Science, Technology and Social Sciences. Proceedings of the Inaugural Meru University of Science and Technology International Conference (MUSTIC 2022), 1(1): 42.
  16. Peter Maina Mwangi, John Gichuki Ndia and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, June 2022. Cluster Head Selection Algorithms for Enhanced Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Survey (IJCSES), 13(3): ISSN: 0976-3252.
  17. Ann Wambui King’ori, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni, May 2022. Complexity Metrics for Statechart Diagrams. International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 13(3): ISSN: 0976-2221.
  18. Jane Wanjiru Njuki, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and John Gichuki Ndia, May 2022. A Systematic Literature Review on Security Indicators for Open-Source Enterprise Resource Planning Software. International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 13(3): ISSN: 0976-2221.
  19. Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani, and Rodziah Atan, November 2020. Validating Structural Metrics for BPEL Process Models. Journal of Web Engineering. Vol. 19(5–6), Pp.707–724. ISSN: 1544-5976.
  20. Samson Wanjala Munialo Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and Kelvin Kabeti Omieno, October 2020. An Effort Estimation Method for Service-Oriented Architecture. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review. 13 (6). Pp. 187-196. ISSN: 1791-2377.
  21. James Maina Mburu, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and Aaron Mogeni Oirere, 2020. An Enhanced Multiview Test Case Generation Technique for Object-oriented Software using Class and Activity Diagrams. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). 9(4). Pp.186-195. ISSN: 2277-3878.
  22. Kenneth Gitonga Ntonja, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and Gabriel Kamau Ndung’u, 2020. Cloud Data Privacy Preserving Model for Healthcare Management Systems based on Multi Factor Authentication. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). 9(3). Pp.360-367. ISSN: 2277-3878.
  23. Kevin Agina Onyango, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni, August 2020. A Metrics-Based Fuzzy Logic Model for Predicting the Reusability of Object- Oriented Software. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). 9(6). Pp.536-546. ISSN: 2249-8958.
  24. Ephantus Gichuki Mwangi, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Gabriel Kamau Ndung’u, May 2020. Design and Implementation of Resilient Cooperative Bait Detection Technique to Curb Cooperative Black Hole Attacks in MANETs Using DSR Protocol. International Journal of Networks and Communications. 10(1). Pp.1-9. E-ISSN: 2168- 4944.
  25. Ephantus Gichuki Mwangi, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Gabriel Kamau Ndung’u, May 2020. Optimized Trust-Based DSR Protocol to Curb Cooperative Blackhole Attacks in MANETs Using NS-3. International Journal of Networks and Communications. 10(1). Pp.10-19. E-ISSN: 2168-4944.
  26. Ephantus Gichuki Mwangi, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and Gabriel Ndung’u Kamau, 2020. Trust-Based Security Technique to Curb Cooperative Blackhole Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using OTB-DSR Protocol in NS-3. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: E-Network, Web & Security. 20 (3). Pp.39-54. Online ISSN: 0975-4172; ISSN Print: 0975-4350.
  27. Dorothy M. Kalui, Dezheng Zhang, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Jared Onsomu, January 2020. Simulation of Trust-Based Mechanism for Enhancing User Confidence in Mobile Crowd-Sensing Systems. IEEE Access. 8(2020): ISSN: 2169-3536.
  28. John Gichuki Ndia, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and Kelvin Kabeti Omieno, January 2020. Structural Complexity Attribute Classification Framework (SCACF) for Sassy Cascading Style Sheets. International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 11(1): ISSN: 0976-2221.
  29. John Gichuki Ndia, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Kelvin Kabeti Omieno, December 2019.6 Complexity Metrics for Sassy Cascading Style Sheets. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 7(4): ISSN 2255-8950.
  30. Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, October 2019. Analysis of the Problem Internet Use (PIU) among Adolescents in Kenyan Schools. Journal of Information Engineering and Applications, 9(6): ISSN: 2225-0506.
  31. Ann Wambui King’ori, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni, July 2019. A Survey of Cognitive Complexity Metrics for Statechart Diagrams. International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 10(4): ISSN: 0976-2221.
  32. Amos Chege Kirongo, Guyo Sarr Huka, Dorothy Gatwiri Bundi and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, 2019. Competence Network for e-Inclusion and Assistive Technologies. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 24(6). ISSN: 2279-0845.
  33. Faith Mueni Musyoka, Moses Mwangi Thiga and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, 2019. A 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring system for preeclampsia management in antenatal care. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 16 (2019): 1-7. ISSN: 2352-9148.
  34. Faith Mueni Musyoka, Moses Mwangi Thiga, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, 2019. An assessment of suitable and affordable smart armband for preeclampsia Management in Antenatal Care. International Journal of Information Technology (IJOIT), 3(7): ISSN: 2413- 2950.
  35. John Gichuki Ndia, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and Kelvin Kabeti Omieno, May 2019. A Survey of Cascading Style Sheets Complexity Metrics. International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 10(3): ISSN: 0976-2221.
  36. Samson Wanjala Munialo Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and Kelvin Kabeti Omieno, March 2019. Size Metrics for Service Oriented Architecture. International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 10(2): ISSN: 0976-2221.
  37. Kennedy O. Ondimu, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Ismail A. Lukandu, Kelvin K. Omieno, 2018. A Situational Method for Healthcare Business Process Improvement. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), 7(10): 74-87. ISSN: 2321-7308.
  38. Kennedy O. Ondimu, Kelvin K. Omieno, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Ismail A. Lukandu, 2018. Tackling Data Related Challenges in Healthcare Process Mining using Visual Analytics. International Journal of Computing and Technology, 5(10): 125-132. ISSN: 3221-7308.
  39. Stephen Kahara Wanjau and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, March 2018. Improving Student Enrollment Prediction Using Ensemble Classifiers. International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, 7(3): 122-128. ISSN: 2319-8656.
  40. Nelson Bogomba Masese, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Samuel Mbugua, October 2017. Interface Features, Program Complexity and Memorability as Indicators of Learnability of Mobile Social Software. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 6(10): 1527-1533. ISSN: 2319-7064.
  41. Dorothy M. Kalui, Christopher A. Moturi, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and John K. Tarus, April 2017. An Investigation into Customers’ Requirements for Electronic Banking: A Case Study of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Kenya. International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE), 8(2): 39-54. ISSN: 1947-8305.
  42. Stella Nafula Khaemba, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Nahason Matoke, 2017. Factors Affecting Citizen Readiness for E-Government Systems in Kenya. Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2(2): 59-67. ISSN: 2456-6403.
  43. Kevin Mwiti Njeru, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and John Wachira Kamau, 2017. A Government Driven Approach Towards Green IT Economies. African Journal of Computing and Information Systems (IJSTER-AJCIS), 1(1): 1-1. ISSN: 2519-5875.
  44. Nelson Bogomba Masese, Samuel Mbugua and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, October 2016. A Review of Mobile Social Software Awareness and Utilization. International Journal of 7 Science and Research (IJSR), 5(10): 376 -381. ISSN: 2319-7064.
  45. Samson Wanjala Munialo and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, September 2016. A Review of Agile Software Effort Estimation Methods. International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, 5(9): 612-618, ISSN: 2319-8656.
  46. Lilian Cherotich Ronoh, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Franklin Wabwoba, March 2015. Factors Affecting Requirements Elicitation for Heterogeneous Users of Information Systems. International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology (IJCSET), 5(3): 35-39. ISSN: 2231-0711.
  47. Njeru Mwiti Kevin, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, John W. Kamau, Gregory W. Wanyembi and Waithaka Stephen Titus, December 2014. An Investigation into the Applicability of Green IT Concepts into Green IS. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), 3(12): 198-204. ISSN 2319-4847.
  48. Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Leonard Wamocho, June 2014. An Interoperability Framework for Mobile Money Transfer Systems in Kenya. International Journal of Emerging Sciences, 4(2): 88-102. ISSN: 2222-4254.
  49. Alice Nambiro Wechuli, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Nahason Matoke, September 2014. Cyber Security Assessment Framework: Case of Government Ministries in Kenya. International Journal of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, 1(3): 100-113. ISSN 2349-1582.
  50. Faith Mueni Musyoka, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Anselemo Peters Ikoha, September 2014. An assessment framework for Internet banking system reliability. International Journal of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, 1(3): 88-100. ISSN 2349-1582.
  51. Alice Nambiro Wechuli, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Nahason Matoke, June 2014. Survey of Cyber Security Frameworks. International Journal of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, 1(2): 33- 39. ISSN 2349-1582.
  52. Sarah Wanja Njoroge, Samuel Mungai Mbuguah and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, June 2014. Determination of Information Systems Service Quality Attributes in Banking Industry. International Journal of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, 1(2): 40-51. ISSN 2349-1582.
  53. Erick K. Rotich, Shadrack K. Metto, Lily Siele and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, 2014. A Survey of Cyber Crime Perpetration and Prevention: A Review and Model for CyberCrime Prevention. European Journal of Science and Engineering, 2(1): 12-28.
  54. Samuel Mungai Mbuguah, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Franklin Wabwoba, April 2014. A Review of Algorithms for Determination of Attackability Metrics. Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 5(4): 292-296, ISSN: 2079-8407.
  55. Teh Phoey Lee, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Gu Yin Xin, 2014. Mobile-Assisted Instructional for Domestic Maid (Maid-M). Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 6(2): 428-436. ISSN: 1992-8645.
  56. Elyjoy Micheni, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Leonard Wamocho, 2014. A Review of Agent Based Interoperability Frameworks and Interoperability Assessment Models. Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(2): 291-300. ISSN: 2347-9523.
  57. Elyjoy M. Micheni, Isaiah Lule and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, October 2013. Transaction Costs and Facilitating Conditions as Indicators of the Adoption of Mobile Money Services in Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (Special Issue of ICACET2013), 2(5): 9-15, ISSN: 2278-3091.
  58. Samuel Mungai Mbuguah, Waweru Mwangi, Pang Chol Song and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, June 2013. Social Attackability Metrics for Software Systems. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, 3(6): 211-221. ISSN: 2223-4985.
  59. Aldrin W. Wanambisi, Cleophas Maende, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Shem Aywa, 2013. A Probabilistic Data Encryption Scheme (PDES). Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 3(1): 21-26. ISSN: 2225-0921.
  60. Aldrin W. Wanambisi, Cleophas Maende, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Shem Aywa, 2013. Advances in Composite Integer Factorization. Mathematical Theory and Modeling, 3(2): 86-90. ISSN: 2224-5804
  61. Aldrin W. Wanambisi, Cleophas Maende, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Shem Aywa, March 2013. Algebraic Approach to Composite Integer Factorization. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Studies, 1(1): 16-20. ISSN: 2224-5804.
  62. Collins O. Ondago, Kennedy O. Ondimu, and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, 2012. A Framework for E-Learning Implementation in Developing Countries: A Students’ Perspective. International Journal of Emerging Sciences, 2(4): 579-597. ISSN: 2222-4254.
  63. Kennedy O. Ondimu, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, 2012. Challenges in Achieving Interoperability in Distributed Systems: A Survey of Literature. International Journal of Emerging Sciences, 2(4): 619-631. ISSN: 2222- 4254.
  64. Samuel Mungai Mbuguah, Waweru Mwangi, Pang Chol Song and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, 2012. A Conceptual Model for a Holistic Predictive Attackability Metric for Secure Service Oriented Architecture Software. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, 2(7): 579-587. ISSN: 2223-4985.
  65. Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani, Mohd. Hasan Selamat and Rodziah Atan, 2010. A Survey of Business Process Complexity Metrics. Information Technology Journal, 9: 1336-1344. ISSN: 1812-5638.
  66. Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani, Mohd. Hasan Selamat and Rodziah Atan, 2010. Complexity Metrics for Executable Business Processes. Information Technology Journal, 9: 1317-1326. ISSN: 1812-5638.
  67. Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani, Koh Tieng Wei, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Wong Pei Wen, 2008. Complexity Metrics for Measuring the Understandability and Maintainability of Business Process Models using Goal-Question-Metric (GQM). International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 8: 219-225. ISSN: 1738-7906.
  68. Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Evance Onyango, 2019. Interoperability of ERP Software. In: Metrics and Models for Evaluating the Quality and Effectiveness of ERP Software. Edited by: Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni. IGI Global.
  69. Samuel Mungai Mbuguah, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Samuel Maragia, 2016. E- Voting Challenges in Kenya. In: Current Trends in Social and Educational Development: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. Edited by Jotham Wasike, Ben Nyongesa and Irene Simiyu. KIBU Publications, 136-161.
  70. Kennedy O. Ondimu, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Collins O. Ondago, 2013. E- business Adoption Framework in the Hospitality Industry: The Case of Kenyan Coast. In: Research and Development in E-Business through Service-Oriented Solutions. Edited by: Katalin Tarnay, Lai Xu and Sandor Imre. IGI Global, 613-631.
  71. Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha (Associate Editor), 2024. Journal of Innovation, Technology and Sustainability. Murang’a University of Technology.
  72. Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni (Editors), 2019. Metrics and Models for Evaluating the Quality and Effectiveness of ERP Software. IGI Global. ISBN13: 9781522576785.
  73. Alice Nambiro, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Matoke Nahason Matoke, 2016. Assessment Framework for Cyber Security. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9783659818783
  74. Ann Wambui King’ori, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and John Gichuki Ndia, November 2023. Towards a Measurement Framework for UML Behavioral Diagrams based on Complexity Perspectives. MUT International Conference on Leveraging on Science, Technology and Innovation for Economic Transformation, Murang’a, Kenya.
  75. Kevin Agina Onyango, Jackson Kamiri Wambugu, and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, November 2021. A Comparative Study of the Lexicographical Complexity of Java, Python, and C Programming Languages Based on Program Characteristics. MUT International Conference on Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, Murang’a, Kenya.
  76. Jane Wanjiru Njuki, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and John Gichuki Ndia, November 2021. Information Security Metrics Models: A Systematic Literature Review. MUT International Conference on Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, Murang’a, Kenya.
  77. Stephen Kahara Wanjau, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, June, 2021. A Novel Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy. 11th International Interdisciplinary Conference, Nairobi, Kenya
  78. John Gichuki Ndia, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, and Kelvin Kabeti Omieno, March 2020. Implementation of a Structural Complexity Metrics Tool for Sassy Cascading Style Sheets (SCMT-SCSS). 1st Nyeri National Polytechnic (NNP) International Research Conference on Attaining Sustainable Growth through Science, Research, Technology and Innovation, Nyeri, Kenya.
  79. Ephantus Gichuki Mwangi, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Gabriel Kamau Ndung’u, May 2019. A Review of Security Techniques against Black Hole Attacks in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 2019 IST-Africa Week Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.
  80. Amos Chege Kirongo, Guyo Sarr Huka, Dorothy Gatwiri Bundi and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, November 2018. Effective Use of Assistive Technologies for Inclusive Education in County Governments: Issues and Challenges from Two Case Studies. 5th Kenya Methodist University Annual International Research Conference on Leveraging on Research and Innovation to Build a Global Competitive Economy, Meru, Kenya.
  81. Faith Mueni Musyoka, Moses Thiga and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, August 2018. A Blood Pressure Monitoring Prototype for Preeclampsia Management in Antenatal Care in Kenya. Kabarak University International Conference on Translational and Preventive Healthcare, Nakuru, Kenya.
  82. Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, May 2018. A New Complexity Metric for BPEL Processes based on Weighted Structured Activities and Invokes. Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on TVET as a Road Map to Socio-Economic Development in Africa, Nkabune Technical Training Institute, Meru, Kenya
  83. Samuel Mungai Mbuguah, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Samuel Maragia, June 2016. E-Voting Challenges in Kenya. Kibabii University 1st International Conference; Bungoma, June 22-24.
  84. Kevin Mwiti Njeru, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Catherine Wanjiru Kiarie, Fellister Munyi and Kevin Murithi Njagi, October 2015. A Government Driven Approach towards Green ICT Driven Economies. The International Conference on Advancement of Business Management Practices in Africa (ICABUMPA) and the Intelligence for Innovation (IN4IN) Conference, 1-12, Nairobi.
  85. Elyjoy M. Micheni, Isaiah Lule and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, October 2014. Transaction Costs and Facilitating Conditions as Indicators of the Adoption of Mobile Money Services in Kenya. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Engineering & Technology (ICACET2013), 9-15, Malaysia.
  86. Majdi Abdellatief, Abubaker Wahaballa and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, July 2012. Measurement of Structure and Interaction Attributes of Component-based Software Systems. The 5th Conference on Computer Communications, Network and Forensics (CCNF 10 2012), Management and Science University, Malaysia.
  87. Simon Maina Karume and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, 2012. Accelerating Research in Africa through Sustainable Virtual Research Communities. Proceedings and Report of the 5th UbuntuNet Alliance Annual Conference, pp.23-38. ISSN 2223-7062.
  88. Teh Phoey Lee and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha. Size Measures for Large Web Service Systems. The 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT2012), 24-27 July 2012, Rome, Italy.
  89. Erick K. Rotich, Shadrack K. Metto and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha. A Survey on Cyber Crime Perpetration and Prevention: A Review and Model for Cyber Crime Prevention. The 2nd Annual International Scientific Conference, October 2012, Kabarak University, Nakuru, Kenya.
  90. Amos Chege Kirongo, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Dorothy Gatwiri Bundi and Guyo Sarr Huka. Trainer of Trainers Manual – Assistive Technologies. A Learning Module for Trainers of Trainers (TOT) for the NRF-Funded Project: Competence Network for E- Inclusion and Assistive Technologies (CNEAT), January 2019.
  91. Samuel Mungai Mbuguah, Samuel Maragia and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, July 2012. A Report of the Research Findings on E-Voting Debate in Kenya, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
  92. Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha. Size and Complexity Metrics as Indicators of Maintainability of Business Process Execution Language Process Models. PhD Thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia Library, 2011.